Friday, November 09, 2012

Life cycle of a social identity

I recently read an article classifying what are the basic building components for a social media and how to accentuate some of them but not all of them for effective communication.

The building blocks or dimensions as you would call them are

  • Your Identity
  • Your Reputation (What you would like other to think of you)
  • Your Relationships 
  • Groups
  • Conversations
  • Sharing
While Linkedin profiles concentrate on the top three (the Identity, Reputation, Relationships) the buddy social networking sites such as facebook maintain the last three (Groups, Conversations, Sharing) without bothering too much on identity and reputation.  

Most of us have two identities. One, a professional, accountable, matured self on LinkedIn and another child-like, silly, funny, no-image-to-keep-up self on Facebook and smaller social media.

Organizations also mature the same manner. Small teams with all members equal, with no reputation to keep share the maximum and are most productive. However as they become more and more successful, their reputation grows more and then they fall into the 'maintain-my-image' league and become less productive.

Children have the latter type of network where conversations, sharing, fighting-reconciling take their primary attention and identity or reputation have no meaning at all. Is this the reason that they are so happy all the time?

Coincidentally, our own philosophy says that there is no identity for any of us and there is no reputation to keep because each one of us have our own paths and no one really crosses another's. 

Comments welcome.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Evernote versus Google Drive

For a week or more now, I have been without my personal laptop. My family has a laptop and that is common property and is time shared. However I have a personal iPad and this is version 1  (read no camera) which I purchased when tablets were just being born. I also use an iphone 4 (not 4S) as my humble personal phone.

I had a need to create, modify documents, keep spreadsheets, store some emails, store To-Do notes , store addresses and yes, keep some images. Being a lazy geek, I wanted to have access to the same documents irrespective of which device I have on my hand at that point in time.  I wanted to edit part of the document when I was in my study room (desktop), a part when I was in the garden (iPhone) and a part when I was in the living room (iPad).  
Just a few days of usage compelled me to write this comparison table of joys and sorrows of document-management-by-a-layperson-using-slightly-outdated-devices. 

Summary: Use Evernote if your documents are light-weight and need easy editing (e.g. to-do,images, email copies, HTML text) and G Drive if your documents are to be treated seriously (spreadsheets, projects to be shared with others, PDFs etc) which is not exactly easy editing oriented.

Another summary:  Evernote = For the Young ; 
Google Drive = For the Mature.... LOL  :-D :-D 

Now, this is not a comprehensive comparison of the two documents-on-cloud technologies. However I wanted to share the delights and woes I encountered in this case.

*This table formatting was done by blogger from Evernote. See the effect for yourself.

iPad v1iPhone 4Desktop
ENoteCreating a document : Easy due to form factorNot easy due to form factorEasy just like MS Word

Editing a document: No rich text support. It could be because I have an older version of iOS and hence older version of Evernote. No notifications to guide user.
Forget editing with iPhone.
Easy just like MS Word

Reading a document: Easy and beautiful
Easy and beautiful
Easy and beautiful

Type of document: Text , audio clip and image insertion possible; aesthetically very pleasing.+ image capture + Rich Text All 

Mailing with Postbox or sharing the doc for multiple users (projects) : Not obvious 
Not obvious 
Not obvious 

Traditional folder structure : Not obvious (intentionally perhaps)
Not obvious 
Not obvious 
Creating a document : Not easy due to poor UI (the iPad app is yet to come)
BadJust like any file on my desktop; Google formats may not always be WYSIWYG

Editing a document: Use my Safari browser; not pleasing; fat fingers will disruptDon't even trySame as Google Docs - nothing great as user experience but great on performance

Reading a document: Very Poor; Pagination , magnification etc not up to the markDon't try unless it is a simple three linerSame as desktop

Type of document: Great and I did not feel inhibited in any way. I can store most types of documents. Same as iPadVery easy and very traditional mind-set interface

Ease of storing/availability from cloud: Stored instantly; Very good performance
I wouldn't try due to form factor
Just my desktop folder synced up and down

New-Gen features such as add audio clip notes, click anything as image and search it not availableNANA

Now how did I edit this document?  Its obvious - I edited this with Evernote, cut-pasted it on Blogger's editor but will store it on Google Drive ! After all I have documents from seven years on Google Drive upgraded from Google Docs.  Reliability is higher priority than aesthetics !